My name is Megan Newton
All we need is some space and time to process and work through our issues from the past, present and future.
Certified intuitive eating counselor-helping create a healthy relationship with food and body with freedom from rules and diets
Telehealth-safe space for you to create as able.
Mindfulness and meditation
Healing cycles of unhelpful behavior
One life, learn to not suffer in the process and be present in life’s current moments, learn how to deal with uncomfortable feelings
Trauma-food and body
Body awareness
Looking for a genuine, non-judgmental, and calm environment to process your concerns? Then you\'ve got your counselor right here! I treat my clients how I would like to be treated, while challenging you to help bring change to your life. I am passionate about helping women create healthier relationships with food and their bodies, while healing the trauma I provide telehealth services in South Carolina